How to celebrate Thanksgiving and kayak at the same time

November 23, 2022

A few fun Thanksgiving recipe ideas to help you bring the holiday celebrations on the water.
How to celebrate Thanksgiving and kayak at the same time 

Are the Turkey Trot Thanksgiving Day runs not as fulfilling as they used to be? What about standing in line at the supermarket for all those fixings to make an oversized dinner that will inevitably over-stuff you and your family? 

Picture this instead… you and your loved ones in kayaks paddling across a crystal-clear water way and celebrating the indigenous people who originally inhabited that space with a land acknowledgment before enjoying a simple but nourishing meal. To beat the crowds this year, here are some creative picnic worthy meal ideas with a turkey twist anyone can quickly whip up.

Turkey Sandos with cranberry sauce 
This is a classic. Make it with leftovers before you leave the house, sack lunch style, or on the spot at a lake side picnic table. For best results think gourmet and dress up the meal with a fancy baguette or ciabatta. Invest in a high dollar cranberry slather and go nuts on the finest deli turkey you can find, if you don't have any leftover turkey on hand. Don’t be afraid to add-on your favorites. Arugula, mustard (stone ground or dijon - dealers choice) and brie, provolone, or swiss are just a few options. Or, if whole wheat and prepackaged meat are what you have in the house - that works too. For more ideas see  Roast Turkey Dinner Hoagies, a recipe by the Florida Medical Clinic. 

Fire side turkey boats
For this fun and interactive recipe, you’ll want to build a fire or have access to a backpacking stove of some sort. At home, prepare tin foil compartments. Fill them with ground turkey, plain, or rolled into tiny meat balls with seasoning and onions, carrot and celery bits and sliced sweet potato. Fold foil containers into envelopes to later place near hot coals, on a grill or on a stove. Bonus points for making instant gravy and pouring it over the top of the turkey boat.

Savoury stuffing layer cake
This recipe also requires a stove or  Jetboil for heating water. Add hot water to stuffing with added celery, carrots, and onions. Let sit and cook in large bowl with covering. While stuffing is rising, mix and heat gravy. When ready, add canned turkey bits to the top and drip gravy over the turkey. Add-ons include mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and sweet potato souffle. Choose your own adventure based on how many sides you want to make over a fire, Jetboil or stove. 

Additional Thanksgiving picnic and kayaking recipies
Refreshing Cranberry and Crispy Brussel Sprout Salad 
Spiced Pumpkin Pie Muffins 
Cream of Pumpkin Curry Soup