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How yoga can help your kayaking game

April 07, 2023

A roundup of some helpful resources to get paddlers started on their yoga journey.
How yoga can help your kayaking game


Head, shoulders, knees and toes- yoga poses can relieve the aches and pains that accompany kayaking, help you avoid them all together, and aid in a faster recovery. Here’s a round-up of our favorite videos and routines to get you started on your Yoga journey.


Yoga for Paddling 15 Minute Segment with Anna Levesque
25 min Yoga for Paddling: Shoulders
For the kayaker on the go, this video is a quick hit to get audiences going on the basics. I especially like the sounds of tropical birds chirping on the audio. Levesque is a former top female kayaking competitor. From the Canadian National Freestyle Kayak Team to the podium at the Freestyle Kayak World Championships her expert perspective on the importance of mind-body wellness in the form of yoga in your kayaking routine is invaluable. Her video focused on shoulders feels like heaven although the wind on audio is a little distracting.
Yoga for Sea Kayakers with NOLS
For the sea kayaker, Teresa Miller guides viewers through optimal stretches for longer distance kayakers, in particular the lower-back, torso twists and chest openers. Her suggestions of warrior postures and sun salutations series are not only great stretching postures but great to get the blood flowing and warm up your body and muscles.
Yoga Poses For Paddlers With Benny Marr a 40-Min Follow-Along Routine
Marr is an incredibly accomplished kayaker who knows what kayakers need to prepare for paddling and for recovery. This is a much longer routine than the other videos. He brings you in slowly to the routine and keeps it mellow and casual throughout. Chuck this one on the screen before bed, run through the routines, then sleep like a baby.
Yoga for Off-Season Paddling Fitness
For still shots and ideas of stretches that paddling folk are using in the off-season to stay limber, see this NRS article.
Yoga for Kayakers
Finally, Outside Magazine put together this piece on yoga for paddlers and they recommend four key postures that will deliver the strength necessary to paddle at your peak.
If you liked Levesque and you want more, get her book, Yoga for Paddling.

Stay healthy - stay fit - and we'll see you on the water!