Ready-made romantic kayaking ideas for lovebirds everywhere - just add water

February 04, 2022

Tired of the same old Valentine's Day traditions? Try something new this year and go kayaking instead!
Ready-made romantic kayaking ideas for lovebirds everywhere - just add water


Every February when Valentine's Day rolls around, how hard is it to get a seat at that favorite restaurant? And did you wait until the last minute? Are the theater and movie tickets all sold out? Why not mix the traditional with a bold romantic adventure this year and give your partner what they really desire?! The gem of all cupid’s arrows. A day out in their kayak with you, their beloved. Here are some surefire ways to heat up a romantic cold night out on the water.


A nest for two

Do you have a Whisper in your fleet yet? If not, consider this: Nothing says “Be My Valentine” like a touring tandem kayak. Imagine, forward stroking in unison along a desolate shoreline at sunset and team carrying your kayak for two back to the car just as twilight sets in. How does the old adage go? The couple that kayaks together, stays together…. forever.  


Stars align 

Star light star bright, 

Night paddles on a new moon, when the stars and Milky Way are in full bloom, are a whole other kind of fireworks show. With a shooting star here and there to light your way, it’s sure to be a Valentine’s Day you won’t soon forget. Alternately, if the big night falls closer to a full moon, be sure to time your outing with the moon rise. 


Pro tip: Download an astronomy smart phone app like SkyView, Night Sky, or Star Walk in advance. 


Light my fire

For this paddle escapade, before parking the kindling, be sure to check with land management to see if fires are allowed. Surprise your flame by secretly packing a dry bag with all the fire fixings, including S’mores ingredients. Bonus points for packing a loveseat camp chair and a utility canteen with your adult beverage of choice. This sure-fire late night paddle trip decadence can’t help but light the spark for romance you're both looking for on Valentine’s Day. 


Lady and the Tramp

This is an extension of the fireside option. Dinner can be prepared in a Dutch Oven (DO) or tin foil boats. For the DO, although tag-teaming a spaghetti noodle from either end would really capture the moment, think curry, soup or some other one pot wonder. Cubed chicken, potatoes, carrots, onions and garlic, drizzled with olive oil or ghee work great in the foil boats. Let dinner simmer on some slow smoldering coals. Consider decorating with some tea candles for ambiance. Dining in the great outdoors is an unmatched simple pleasure. 


Finish with a dark chocolate bar. A final touch: Chewing on certs mints at night can light up your mouth and freshen your breath for the real dessert; that midnight kiss before you turn into a pumpkin. 


The Glass Slipper

Can you imagine a more picturesque meet cute than showing up lakeside for a blind date and your counterpart has brought all the necessities for a kayaking trip? Whether you’ve been paired-up for half a century, or you’ve just started to build a nest with that special someone, kayaking on Valentine’s Day, or any other time, will only make the bond you share stronger and add a great priceless memory to the love bank. 


Sit back in your kayak this Valentine’s Day, and watch the magic unfold. See you on the water!