Why winter is the perfect time to plan your future summer kayaking trips...

December 29, 2021

Tips for planning future kayaking trips during the winter months.

Why winter is the perfect time to plan your future summer kayaking trips...

By: K.M. Collins


Depending on where you live in the world, December, January, and February can be the coldest months of the year to kayak. Although the Southern Hemisphere is experiencing summer, Eddyline’s headquarters in the Pacific Northwest is elbow deep in winter. Kayaking in the winter is possible and a great way to make use of sunshine while rays are peeking out, however some want to save their days on the water for warmer weather. If you’re a fair-weather kayaking fan, no worries! You can still make good use of the winter by planning summer kayaking excursions. Here are some tips on how to plan during the off season and still get a little kayaking fix, even if you aren’t actually on the water.


Research trips and locations

Make a hit list with these three headings: places to kayak near my home, places to kayak within a long drive from my home and far off places to kayak. Get on Google and search “kayaking destinations.” Do a deep rabbit hole dive and see what places tickle your fancy. Do you currently live in Florida and prefer tropical, sea, and kayak fishing? Do you live near the Great Lakes and like multi-days on expansive open water? Or are you used to mellow light-hearted day trips but want to start exploring a bigger kayaking commitment like an expedition through the Northern Passage or San Juan Islands? The world is your oyster and there is plenty of time to plan during the winter.


Plan a group adventure

Maybe you started working on your kayaking destination hit list and you keep dreaming about one particular location. Maybe you want to plan a trip for your whole kayaking crew: logistics, accommodation, food, and more. Being a trip leader is rewarding and hard work! It gives you tons of great experience and it helps you get out and see something new. Remember, it’s OK to delegate responsibilities to others. The only question - are you planning a kayak trip for when there is warmer weather, or, are you planning a trip to somewhere near the equator or in the southern hemisphere?


Consume kayaking content

In this media-driven world we're living in, there's a wealth of content available on the internet that's both informational and entertaining. Sometimes there's so much content out there that it's hard to know what to start with! Here’s how to get started: sit on the couch, turn on the TV and start searching YouTube for Kayaking how to series, educational and learning clips, carnage and what not to do shorts and even kayaking films. Consume as much media on kayaking as you can. Especially on the coldest, wettest, below zero days, kayak by proxy instead.


Join message boards and kayaking clubs

Did you know that kayaking message boards exist? On Facebook, Meetup and potentially through local kayak shops? Start asking around, or, start your own. “The Bay Area Kayakers” or “Michigan Kayakers” are examples of what you might find. The Eddyline Kayaks Owners Facebook Group is a favorite across the country and world. On these boards, paddlers share favorite trips, gear ideas or questions and meet new kayaking buddies. If you are really lucky, find a local kayaking club, or find a kayaking club at a destination you plan to visit and meet up with ready made friends!


Gear upgrades and care

After joining message boards, kayak clubs, and watching YouTube how to's, you’ll have a better idea of maintenance practices, upgrades, storage and transportation system improvements. You can start looking at how you can best outfit your kayak so that when the warmer months hit in the spring, you’ll be dialed and you can hit the ground running once the season is in full swing.


Make good use of your down time this winter and don’t be caught in the cold midsummer still installing that drink mount on your bow or rigging a pulley in the garage. Be ready to get on the water!

If you have any questions about how to best care for your Eddyline over the winter or how to get it prepared for the warmer months, please reach out to us at support@eddyline.com